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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 29, 2013 1:40pm-2:01pm EDT

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behind him, who here was to pay for your neighbor's home that has more bathrooms en un they cannot themselves afforded? and is struck me because my husband and i did not want our neighbors to pay for our home. we turned down that government money and start over our own. religiously kinnear neighbors bathrooms and a set of them painful hours. and so we got involved. we started at the party. got on a conference call. a week later we were one of 48 to parties around the country. >> who is mark mcclure? >> my co-author, co-founder of the two-party patriots. he is no longer with the two-party patriots, but he's doing the same thing i am, working to restore constitutional limited fiscally responsible governments. >> another thing you detail is with the tea party movement is not. how has it been portrayed through the media and what points do you want to make? >> one thing that is very
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important to understand is that our movement truly is non-partisan or bipartisan or transporters and, if you will. we want people who are elected to care about the same values that we care about. we don't care so much about the party politics. and what we have learned is that as people in congress use social issues or different levels of republican or democrats or social issues commander stuck paying attention to something shiny ever hear and in the meantime they're taking money and never back pocket, keep an eye on congress, both parties and all of them accountable. >> and issues like immigration. the tea party patriots have a position. >> we do. has been the entire time to secure the border first. was the borders secure and it truly is secured congress can come back and talk to us about everything else. and the reason we have taken the
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stance as it is very much like when carver stocks of taxing or cutting spending, well, we can increase spending or increase revenues are now. we promised letter we will actually make cuts. we take there were on and so many times and been burned by it if you would just do this with immigration we will get back and secure the border. just do the first thing and then come back and talk about the rest. the other thing about immigration specifically when you look at the senate bill, it wound up being in a 1100, almost 1200 page bill. it moved through the senate quickly, amendments were few, they dropped the final amendment which really was the final bill they voted for it the following thursday or friday. so much like obamacare. we have a problem with the obamacare, immigration.
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>> is immigration a money issue? >> we have not approached it from a monetary standpoint. it is the role of government to keep america secure. start with that. that is where we have taken it. and then on a principled stand, we had a problem. we have to be intellectually honest. if these same process as are happening, even if one were to claim to be at the party person, if they're doing the same thing that is still wrong. does not matter who is doing it. and so we have really -- on securing the border in the process. >> your book, second american revolution came out before we found out on all the errors target scandal. how has that changed your movement? >> it is really -- what happened
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is it is shown an example, a very real life example of government that really is too large and is not constitutional. as i sat in the hearings in congress, ways and means and the house oversight, i heard these questions that the irs was asking. and i knew a lot of it because we had experienced it and were in touch with a lot of tea party group says this was going on of the last two years. one of the questions that the irs was asking of a group that deals with other issues is the conscience of your prayer. they wanted to know that things that this group was praying. that is so wrong. a violation of the first amendment up and down. free-speech, the freedom to exercise your religion, the ability to assemble. and they also were taking stances on issues because it wanted to be able to have a
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redress of grievances to the government. it violated every single portion of the first amendment. think that no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, whether liberal, conservative, somewhere in the middle, republican, democrat, whenever, in this country we understand what the first amendment means. a stand it is separation of church and state. we understand the free speech, free press, petitioning in assembling. them violated every part of that and truly had a silencing a fact it concerns me that the government, the united states of america silenced citizens. >> were you political? >> i was political, active in georgia and in my local county. politics. >> republican politics. >> republican politics. by the time that this movement started i was so frustrated with republicans and democrats.
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remember allen mentioned the tarp bill at the very beginning. well, have been the county campaign chair for both mccain and for senator sex be chambliss in my county in georgia in 2008. and when he suspended his campaign to vote on the bill and voted the same way that obama did, i looked and said, i don't see much of a difference. there is a label that is different. sure, they take a few different issues. fundamentally on the most important constitutional principles, not saying a lot of difference. and then he voted in favor as well. well, after that vote in my county which is a republican voting county, people would take the mccain bill and bumper stickers and cut off mccain. then there would not even take chambliss. both parties have led to as being $16 trillion in debt. both parties voted for the
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patriot act which ultimately noes been used to spy and americans. it is 20 back to our constitutional principles. >> to in washington do you admire at this point? >> i admire the people it will stand by for the constitution. while i admire them, i don't -- i watch everything that they are doing. you can look at the ascendancy rand paul and mike leigh in ted crews. they're standing up for their principles. we have seen them straight. and when they stray we will hold them accountable. when they fight with us on the principles, we will fight with them. >> what is the four year plan for america that you outlined? >> so, we have several different paths. the political path. we talked a lot about that. we also have to work on our culture. we have to go through our
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education, the judicial system, all of these different paths and approach it and looked at every single different aspect of our country so that we're not just looking only education but the culture, the judicial system, the educational system. and that is what the book is about. it is a 40 year plan. we knew we could not make this change. it is something that is a matter of swaying hearts and minds, teaching americans the principles that we care about and showing that these principles are what made america great and will continue to make america great. >> is there a nonfiction author of books you would like to see featured? send us an e-mail.
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>> in the week after september 11th congress passed a bill called the authorization for the use of military force. basically what that did this give a blank check to the bush administration to wage a a global borderless war and
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authorized the u.s. to send forces into any country that it deemed add a connection to al qaeda or the september 11th the tanks. that is still a law that president obama and his administration sides when they are bombing people in human. starting the people responsible for 9/11. how are they still using that? was a blank check and it is still being used. his second inaugural address, if he did not want the u.s. live in the state of perpetual war. his policies indicate that he wants the exact opposite. he wants the u.s. to be in a perpetual state of war. there was only one member voted
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against it. she stood up. i think jen people should in particular should watch the speech. you can find it online. barbara ley was trembling. imagine the courage that that took it read what she said in his speech is that we cannot use these attacks to engage in retaliation across the globe. engage in actions that will undermine and democrat principles. the same way, the lone senator voted against the patriot naxos something that so many of their colleagues on capitol hill either were too blind to notice or willfully shows to embrace of
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rollback, massive rollback of our civil liberties. you see, to have the temerity of the courage to ask tough questions the time when there are calls for mob violence takes real backroom, courage. we are in one of those moments today where we have this popular democratic president who won the nobel peace prize. it is easy to oppose policies when you have cartoonish villains like dick cheney in control, i do actually imagine him plot and the destruction of the world. analysts said the king. but when you have the actual courage to stand up and said it the same principles of applied and those guys were in power applied when president obama is in power, that actually is where your principles attested. and so we have an expansion of the drone strikes. we have the use of secret prisons, not being run by the
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cia, but being run by other governments and a human rights abuse in forces and shipping prisoners of to be tortured in secret prisons in countries like somalia. the national security service. documented this when i travel to mogadishu. here is change and the president obama. a close to see a black sites in poland and thailand and then start using the gulag in somalia where we are interrogating prisoners, interrogating prisoners, some of whom have been snatched off the streets of third countries. snatched out of this hell, taken to wilson airport, shackled and headed and then flown to somalia where he was put in this bed bug infested underground prison with no access to light, the access to the outside world it could not tons february had been taken. that happened in the president obama to read what i call for
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comment, they said, yeah, that sounds right. why would we do that? it's natural that we would want to cooperate. the three-year executive orders, he was going to be dismantling it cannot agree branding it in recasting it as a more of a legitimate form of running the same program. that is a budget what has happened. renditions continue under president obama. assassination has been normalized as a central component, not as though we have not had that history before, but it has been normalized by this president has a central component of what is called america's national security policy. >> cowboys mean a great deal from montana. our largest industry in this state is agriculture.
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the raising of livestock. a huge part of that. end to this day you still need a man or woman or young person that can get on a horse, take care of the livestock, whether it is carrying the men to pull a calf or taking them to a new pastor, raising them with great care and dignity because what we saw in the fall is pounds of beef. the best way to do that is to take great care. when the cowboy culture began in this man, this man or woman or person had to live in all the elements. they lived and worked outdoors. so they had to dress accordingly and in the old days they really just that animal skins come much like the natives. there were no modern textiles to repel water or rain or snow.
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and so they would cover the bodies with weather apparel. these are called chaps to much apparel's, derived from the spanish word. >> more cowboys and cattle as book tv and american history tv would get the history and literary life of billings, montana next weekend. >> this fall book tv is marking our 15th anniversary. this weekend we look back at our fourth year broadcasting. two of the top-selling nonfiction books focused on the september 11 terrorist attacks. investigative journalist report on the decisions made by the bush and ministration bolling september 11th. and former new york city mayor
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>> there is chapter in the book that is entitled weddings are discretionary, funerals are necessary. that was a lesson my father taught me. my father used to say to me, people don't need you at their wedding. it's nice to go. it's a big, juries occasion, but everyone goes. if you can't go, okay. but you better go to the funeral. that is what people really need you. that is and people really need to feel that there are a lot of people that assuring a loss. the person the loss was truly important and it reaffirms the importance of that person's life and the importance of the person left behind. wrote that out of context of the
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experience of all of the funerals and wakes that i went to as the mayor of the city of new york for police officers and firefighters and rescue workers and people who work for the city i never realized the importance of that lesson of the magnitude of it until after the horrible events of september 11th. now on book tv the story of new york city police department whistle-blower. involuntarily committed to a site where for six days claiming
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that he was emotionally disturbed. >> thank you. thank you for coming. i appreciated. i have been covering the police department for almost 20 years. this is a crazy story. the book is about a police officers secretly recording his police commanders ordering various types of misconduct. the backdrop is the nypd crime-fighting strategy. this is a strategy where statistics show used to identify crime of spots and officers are said to respond to the sauce months.


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